User Customization
Customize Uni Terminal to your preferred settings
Sniper Customization
Uni Terminal also allows users to customize their settings to only use their preferred tools/dapps.
Currently we allow users to select their preferred sniper from any of the following options: - Maestro - UniBot - WagieBot - Banana Gun
In the future we will also implement additional trading bots according to user demand.
Coming Soon
Our immediate roadmap items include: Chart Customization: Select between DexView, DexScreener, DexTools, GeckoTerminal, and others.
Display Customization: Choose light mode or dark mode.
Add-ons: We have several exciting partnerships already being worked on. Expect call signals, volume tracking, bribe tracking, pre-deploy scanner and many more features soon. Users will be able to select add-ons from our partners and customize them as they please!
Last updated